Rae Conner (Tooke)
Hi everyone,
Within the month after graduating high school, I went to work as a bookkeeper at the First State Bank in Crane. When my husband Therman and I married at the First Baptist Church in Crane on Dec. 21, 1960, he had been teaching Math and coaching at the high school in Ft.Stockton for 2 years. Now 48 years later, we are still here and are both retired from teaching school.
Our daughter Carie is married to Carl Svajda and they have four children. Carl is a dentist with two other dentists practicing with him in his office in Bryan. They live on a place about 4 miles southwest of College Station, with the Brazos River about 50 feet and 30 feet down from their backyard.
Our son Gary is the high school librarian in Pecos. He and wife Paula, their son and daughter live on their place, which is about 3 miles west of Pecos.
So all together we have 6 grandchildren ranging in age from 11 to 24 years, and we enjoy them all.
Rae Nell
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