Annita Hinson (Kirkham)
After graduation I sort of walked right into church and got married. We were together for five years and had two children, Mona and Dan. Then I proceeded to work first one place and then another at all the careers uneducated women attempt—waitress, go-go dancer, store clerk—followed by a little business school and a stint as clerk typist.

I lucked into being the personal assistant to an entrepreneur in Corpus Christ, who trained me to be a pretty good executive assistant. I worked for him in different capacities in several businesses for almost 30 years. We did everything from energy management to being part of the negotiating team for The Southland Corporation to running the largest franchise of convenience stores in Texas. Different businesses took us lots of places I would never have gone on my own. It was an exciting time.

Since 2000 I have been in Austin working for a non-profit mediation center. I am semi-retired and spend a lot of time with my sister, my children and grandson, and my friends. I love to travel and am sad that the current economy is putting a dent in my plans.

My children have both become “responsible adults.” Of course, they are both nearly fifty! Dan is married and lives in Houston where he works for a large valve manufacturing company. Mona and her family live in Virginia outside Washington, DC and she is a children's minister. She has worked for the Dallas Opera, American Airlines (we both traveled a lot then), and the Washington Post. Her son, Joe,is the light of my life right now. He is eight and still thinks all his grandparents are wonderful! I know the time will come all too quickly when he doesn't have time for me, so I am enjoying every moment I can with him.

Looking forward to the next reunion...